
Lake Placid


4235 Commercial Drive - Sebring, FL 33870

Food Service Supplies & Equipment
A wide range of quality products with Chefs and Restaurateurs in mind AND IN STOCK! We deliver quality food service products for busy kitchens that enchance food prepartation, cooking and dining experiences. Stop By & Browse Our Inventory. Always Free Local Delivery!
Discover for yourself and your organization, church, school restaurant, office or home the many products that we offer. Janitorial & Sanitary Supplies, Floor Care Supplies, Foodservice Disposables, Safety & Paper Products, Packing & Shipping Supplies, Register Receipt Paper Rolls, Coffee & Break Room Stuff.


Paper products
We have a basic options and can supply specialty items to fit dispensers. We stock toilet paper, paper towels, facial tissue, etc.

Janitorial supplies
If we don’t already have it we can get whatever you need for your restaurant home or business. We stock wet mops, dust mops, brooms, etc.


Breakroom supplies

We stock coffee and tea packets, sugar and sweeteners, and everything you need for your breakroom.

We stock concentrated chemicals to meet your needs for your bathroom dishes laundry

Can liners
We have liners for 5 gallon to 65 gallon trash cans.

Disposable restaurant supplies
We have everything you need for your restaurant. We stock plasticware, to-go containers, wax paper sheets, aluminum foil, etc.



Serving Central Florida Since 1998



4235 Commercial Drive - Sebring, FL 33870

Emanuel United Church of Christ - emanuel-church-of-christ.png
Avon Park Fire Department - AVon-Park-Fire-Department-logo-w.png
Generation Improv - generation-Improv logo.jpg
Lake Placid Police Department - Lake_Placid_Police-2.png
Highlands County Sheriff - highlands-county-sheriff-paul-blackman-logo-c-w1.png
Lake Placid Middle School - Lake_Placid_Middle_School.png
Central Florida Cities - CentralFloridaCitiesLogoOfficia-color1.png
Florida State Parks - FL-DEP-STATE-PARKS-TAG.png
Film Fray - FilmFray_Color_logo.png
Sebring Police Department - Sebring_Police_Department.png
Heartland Library Cooperative - heartland-library-cooperative-2.png
Heartland Food Bank - heartland-food-bank_logo.png
Woodlawn Elementary Schol - woodlawn-elementary.png
Highlands Art League - Screen Shot 2018-11-16 at 6.14.50 PM.png
Sebring High School - Sebring High logo images.jpg
Better Before Lunch - Betterbeforelunchpodcast41.jpg
Bonnet Springs Park - Bonnett-Springs-Lakeland-logo.png
Sebring Historical Society - Sebringhistoricalsociety.png
Knottygirl - knottygirl_logo1.jpg
Florida Rural Legal Services - Floirda-rural-Legal_lakeland-logo.png
Highlands County Economic Development - HCED3.png
Highlands County Tax Collector - Highlands_County_Tax_Collector.png